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A Message from Elder Shirley

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Do You Know Who Jesus Is?
John 14:1-10

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In this passage of scripture, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His imminent departure. As a loving Shepherd, He comforts His sheep by telling them not to worry. He calms their fears and admonishes them to trust in Him as they do the Father. Jesus reassures His disciples that He is not abandoning them but is returning to the Father, which is good news.

Jesus makes a profound declaration about His identity in this passage. He identifies Himself as the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and importantly, as the only way to the Father. He unequivocally states that there is no other route to the Father; it is through Him alone. In a world where many claim there are multiple paths to the Father, Jesus' words stand as an exclusive truth. If you seek the Father you must go through the Son. This truth emphasizes the weight and importance of our relationship with Jesus. He is not just a historical figure, a prophet, a teacher, or a good man. He is the Son of God, the Messiah whose purpose was to take upon Himself the sins of the world. Do you really know who Jesus is?

Jesus continues by boldly stating that He is one with God. When Phillip asks him to show them the Father, Jesus replies, “Have you been with me all this time, and yet you don’t know me, Phillip? When you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” (John 14:8-9) This tells me that you can be in the presence of Jesus and not realize who He is. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a superficial understanding of who Jesus is. I want to know Him more deeply and follow Him more closely. Do you really know who Jesus is?

As we reflect on Jesus’ words, let's make sure we understand who He is. Do you believe that Jesus is the only way to the Father or that there are other ways? Do you know that Jesus and the Father are one? Do you believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and its significance? Do you consider Him your Lord and Savior? Knowing Jesus' identity is crucial for a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. Knowing Jesus requires more than an intellectual understanding. It requires trust, faith, and surrender to His will.

Remember, Sisters and brothers, knowing Jesus is not knowing Him intellectually or as a historical figure. Knowing Jesus is a matter of the heart. Does your heart long to spend time with Him? Have you surrendered your life to Him? Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I pray that we live our lives loving Him wholeheartedly and trusting in His Word because we know who Jesus is!

Merry Christmas!
Elder Shirley Freeman

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